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1. oktober 2021
Kl. 22.00 - 01.30

John Murphy Live in The Tap Room

John Murphy is an Irish singer based in Budapest and Norway for the past 20 years.

He has entertained bars all across Europe in Hungary, Croatia, Poland, Austria, Czech Republic, Romania, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Great Britain and Ireland.

John plays a huge variety of songs that match the occasion from modern pop to oldies classics, Irish pub songs and anything in between (REM, Oasis, Coldplay, U2, The Lumineers, Mumford and Sons, Johnny Cash, David Bowie, The Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, The Dubliners, The Pogues and even Britney Spears and Shakira just to name a few)…

There’s so song lyrics in his head there’s not much room for anything else!!
John always gives 100% to give the audience an unforgettable party.


Finder sted: Tir Na Nog